
Data-Driven Agriculture: HerdDogg Revolutionizes Livestock Management with Smart Data Solutions

45 global connections 6410,000+ Tagging Devices
08 market vision1,000sHerd Animals Monitored
HerdDogg in browser

About the Client

The Complete Data Capture System

HerdDogg, dedicated to empowering livestock producers, focuses on providing essential data for informed decision-making in livestock management. By automating data collection and implementing wearable sensors with innovative communication protocols, HerdDogg introduces a lightweight hardware solution adaptable to ranches of any size. With a commitment to delivering real-time data, alerts, and proactive insights, HerdDogg ensures that producers stay ahead of potential issues, fostering efficient and informed management of every animal in their care.

The Challenge

HerdDogg.com, a rapidly growing livestock management company, faced the challenge of scaling its operations to accommodate the increasing demand for its services. With a diverse tech stack including Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and React Native, HerdDogg aimed to enhance its herd management tools, mobile, and web app software. The largest goal was to improve the Near Field Communication (NFC) and Bluetooth hardware for livestock biometric monitoring.

HerdDogg's expansion brought forth the task of managing a spectrum of technologies, encompassing a widely-utilized framework for web applications, a server-side runtime environment for backend services, and a cross-platform framework for mobile app development. This challenge involved the seamless integration of these technologies to support thousands of herd animals, with the aim of achieving efficient herd management, mobile accessibility, and dependable biometric monitoring.

ShineForth Delivered

HerdDogg's collaboration with ShineForth allowed the company to further develop and optimize a wide spectrum of technologies. The expansion of NFC and Bluetooth hardware for livestock biometric monitoring, coupled with scalability and performance optimization, positioned HerdDogg for sustained growth. The user experience improvements demonstrated the company's commitment to meeting the needs of ranchers and users. Overall, the project's success showcased the effectiveness of a collaborative approach and a well-rounded solution in addressing complex technological challenges.





Cloud Technologies

Cloud Technologies

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails

Platform Integration

Platform Integration

ShineForth has been supporting us in software product development since before our commercial launch, through the launch, and now post-launch. They have been instrumental in our successful go-to-market plan and deployment. Their developers are talented, thoughtful, thorough, and timely. I've been very impressed with the not just work products delivered but the people that deliver them. Some of our biggest needs when we engaged ShineForth were on our mobile app. These included some IoT device interactions that can sometimes be tough to work on, but ShineForth had the right people to get in there and contribute right away and immediately add value to our apps. It's a good feeling to look at your roadmap and know you have the right people to address all the elements of your product and business efforts on the journey ahead.

Jeff MitchellChief Technology Officer

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